Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is CottagePages really free? What's the catch?

    Yes cottagepages is really free, there is no catch. As long as we're the owners there will not be a charge for the basic listing of cottages on

  2. Why is it free?

    We were frustrated with the current state of the cottage rental industry. We decided that we could do a much better job. Cottage owners should not have to pay in order to have a simple listing of their cottage.

  3. If it's free how do you pay for operating expenses?

    We can afford hosting expenses by utilizing cloud services.

  4. How can I list my cottage on your site?

    Listing your property is very easy. Just follow the simple instructions here.

  5. How do renters book my cottage?

    You provide the contact information. All communication is done directly between the owners and renters. We do not get in the middle.

  6. I found a problem with the site, what do I do?

    Please report it to